- J.D., Seoul National University Law School (2013. 2.)
Master, Seoul National University School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2013. 8.)
B.S., Seoul National University School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2008. 8.)
Anyang High School (2002. 2.)

- Korean Bar Examination (2nd, 2012)
Student Chief Editor, Law & Technology Journal (ISBN: 9771738743002) (2011 - 2012)
Institute of Advanced Machinery and Design(IAMD), Seoul National University (2009 - 2010)
Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing Lab., Seoul National University (2008 - 2010)

- Internet Recording Service Provider Analysis based on Cloud Computing's System, ¡ºThe Journal of Intellectual Property¡» Vol.6, No.3, (2011. 09.), Korea Intellectual Property Society
The Categorization of OSP Liabilities on Copyright Protection; Subdivision of Online Services Considering Their Purposes, ¡ºCopyright Quarterly¡», Vol.24, No.1, (2011. Spring), Korea Copyright Commission

- Received 1st honor of IP Thesis National Contest, Secretary at Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2010)
Received 1st honor of Mechanical Innovate Design Awards, Seoul National University (2005)

- Inchworm Robot Patent, Application Number: 10-2009-0037908, Application Date: 2009.04.30, 10-1106849, 2012.1.10. Registered.
Inchworm Robot Patent, Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT) Number : KR2010/000825, PCT Date : 2010.02.10.