News & Events

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°øÁö [Professionals] New attorney Ms. Soojin Na joins KANGHO as partner 2019-06-05 851
°øÁö [Professionals] New attorney Mr. Junsung Oh joins KANGHO as partner 2019-06-05 894
°øÁö [Professionals] Mr. Kanghyun Song promoted to partner 2019-06-05 995
24 [News] Ms. Soojin Na, newly appointed as an arbitrator of the Korean Commercial .. 2020-06-02 684
23 [Case] Dr. J. W. Cho, successfully represented the KFTC in the bearings cartel c.. 2019-06-05 1355
22 [Case] Dr. J. W. Cho, successfully represented the victims and achieved the corr.. 2019-06-05 1008
21 [Case] Dr. J. W. Cho, successfully represented the KFTC in an administrative lit.. 2019-06-05 921
20 [Media] Chosun Biz, ¡°Small but Strong Law Firm KANGHO specialized in IP and Ant.. 2019-06-05 955
19 [Media] Dr. J. W. Cho, recognized as Leading Lawyers 2017 (Antitrust & Compe.. 2019-06-05 1313
18 [News] Dr. J. W. Cho, newly appointed as an arbitrator of the Korean Commercial .. 2019-06-05 901
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